WT1 Verteilte Systeme Sommer 2025

Website of the Programming and Web Technology Group @ IMI Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin


This course is an introduction to distributed systems with the practical example of web applications.

It will be taught in German with all written material in English.

Course Setup

The class consists of 2h of lectures and 2h of lab each week. Please refer to the LSF for time and location information (link above in the External Links menu).

Grades & Exam

Labs will be graded with a simple star scale, and put together to be a “studienbegleitende Teilmodulprüfung”. There will be a moodle exam at the end of term.

Exam50/100 Pointsschriftliche Modulabschlussprüfung (§ 10 RStPO)Moodle Quizz and Programming Assignments
Labs50/100 Pointsstudienbegleitende Teilmodulprüfung (§ 12 RStPO)Weekly Lab Reports